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Help us finish our documentary
in a world of crises, from housing to climate, Employment to food security, a community of creatives transform an abandoned quarry, repurposing the derelict buildings into artisanal studios and sustainable living spaces. Regenerating the wildlife around them into a nature reserve, the community offer achievable solutions for addressing both climate and social emergencies shared by many.
One thing stands in their way, Council bureaucracy...
support us
We make sure to keep our prices the way they are so that everyone in our community can attend. Many of you have asked to donate more so here's how!
Wix asks for a lot of details (which we don't agree with) so, if you prefer to directly support us, here is our bank details:
Name - 99p Films
Account number - 45371929
Sort code - 60 83 71
One-Time Donation
One time
The 99p Club
1£Every month*banks don't accept payments of less than £1, so annoyingly we must charge you a penny extra
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